People are visiting Louvre Museum
What will it be?


It all begins, as so often in life, with a phone call. A call that possibly leads the future life in a different direction.
That’s how it was with us. One of the founders received a call one day in early 2020 about a painting for sale. However, this said painting was not just any painting but an “Old Master”.

For a long time we thought, how can we get the best out of such a rarity? The idea of Artilus was born one evening.

The NFT hype helped a lot, so that we quickly had in mind how we wanted to implement it exactly.

Why sell the whole picture when we can sell it in parts?


Why Artilus?

In initial discussions with the seller, we fell on deaf ears! An “Old Master” digital selling in pieces over the Internet? That’s crazy, they said.

We persisted, continued to work on the concept alongside our normal jobs, and had some discussions with the seller. In December 2021, he finally agreed.

With the first sale, we will make history and give our community the opportunity to buy a part of the world’s history. Be prepared!

Our Partner
June 2020, Turin, Italy: the Venaria Reale ancient kings palace
Everyone has the Chance


During conception, we kept coming back to one big point:

We want to give society the opportunity to own such great works of art. Even if only partially, but in the end one thing counts – who can actually say they own a Van Gogh?

A museum, digital as well as real, full of rarities, owned by the community. That is the big vision.

With Artilus this becomes reality.